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Croatia Vs France

France's Triumph: A Thrilling World Cup Final

France's Victory Over Croatia

The world witnessed an exhilarating FIFA World Cup final in Moscow's Luzhniki Stadium, where France emerged victorious over Croatia with a 4-2 scoreline. Despite Croatia's late push, France ultimately secured the victory, making it their second World Cup triumph after 1998.

A Reshuffled France Draws with Croatia

In their second UEFA Nations League game, a reshuffled French team played away to Croatia and earned a 1-1 draw. This came after a disappointing opening defeat to Denmark four days prior.

A Controversial Final

The World Cup final was marked by controversy due to the use of VAR, which played a role in awarding a penalty to France that resulted in the opening goal. Nonetheless, it was an unforgettable match that showcased the thrilling spectacle of world-class football.
